Introduction – Teledyne 3160 User Manual
Page 7

Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Fixed Features
The Model 3160 is a microprocessor-based trace oxygen monitoring system that
provides on-line monitoring of trace oxygen at parts-per-million (PPM) levels and can
directly measure the level of purity in high-grade gases.
The 3160 computer uses an Intel
80188 microprocessor combined with 32
kilobytes of random access memory (RAM) and 128 kilobytes of read-only memory
(ROM). The total computer program resides in the ROM and is not affected by shut-
down periods, loss of power, or battery failure. However, calibration parameters and
stored measurement readings are retained in battery-backed-up RAM, which require
continuous battery voltage in order to be retained. This information will be lost if
battery power is interrupted, as in battery replacement.
Two displays help you monitor trace oxygen levels: a red 4-digit light emitting
diode (LED) display with one-inch numerals is easily read at a distance or even in
bright daylight, and a liquid crystal display (LCD) helps you keep track of alarm
setpoints, ranges, mode and system statistics.
Variable Features
Various models are available. The following features describe the basic model,
but the exact configuration depends on the standard options incorporated. Paragraph
1.3 contains a list of standard variations on the basic model.
The Class B-2 Micro-Fuel Cell measures trace O
in a mixture of gases. Because
the Micro-Fuel Cell sensor is a sealed electrochemical device, it is replaced as a unit.
There are no electrolytes to change or electrodes to clean, making the sensor mainte-
nance free. The analyzer can be configured with one or two sensor blocks. Each block
can be isolated by pneumatically switched valves. The software automatically adjusts
when a second cell block is present.