TDK GENESYS 1500W User Manual

Page 66

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83-507-013 Rev. D



7.10.1 General

Single byte commands are commands in which all the necessary data for the supply to act upon is
contained in a single byte. Single byte commands will be executed immediately by the supply. If the
command requires data to be sent to the HOST PC or IEEE Board (see sections 7.10.4 and
that response will be transmitted immediately with no delay due to any software overhead. With the
exception of the Disconnect from communications command, section, commands must be
sent by the HOST PC or IEEE Board 2 times in sequence for verification. All have the most significant
bit, D7, set to a logic 1. A CR, carriage return, character is not included in a single byte command.
The RST command will not change any setting made by a single byte command.
All Single Byte commands will be executed in 1 ms or less. This does not include any response sent
to the HOST/IEEE Board, which is dependent upon the response length and the serial transmission
speed (Baud rate).

7.10.2 Global commands without response


Disable is the default condition upon power up. The Hex value of the command is 0xA0. Send it two
times in sequence. All supplies, both the currently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies,
will disable MD Mode as a result of this command.


Send to enable Multi Drop Mode. The Hex value of the command is 0xA1. Sent it two times in se-
quence. When this command is sent, the supply will set SRQ retransmission to the disable state; if
you wish it to be enabled you must send the enable command. All supplies, both the currently ad-
dressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will enable MD Mode as a result of this command.

Disable SRQ retransmission (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Disable is the default condition upon power up. The Hex value of the command is 0xA2. Sent it two
times in sequence. If the supply sends an SRQ it will only sent it 1 time. All supplies, both the cur-
rently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will disable SRQ retransmission as a result
of this command. All status registers will retain their data when this command is sent.

Enable SRQ retransmission (MD MODE OPTION REQUIRED)

Enable retransmission of SRQs. This is only available when the Multi Drop Mode is enabled in the
supply. The Hex value of the command is 0xA3. Send it two times in sequence. If the supply sends an
SRQ it will be repeated on a timely basis, 10 ms plus 20 ms times the supply address, until answered.
All supplies, both the currently addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will enable SRQ re-
transmission as a result of this command.

Enable FLT Bit in the SENA Register

The Hex value of the command is 0xA4. Send it two times in sequence.

7.10.3 Global commands with response

Disconnect from communications

Command the supply to end all data transmissions to the HOST PC/IEEE Board and cease its role as
the active addressed supply. The HOST PC/IEEE Board will be required to re-send the ‘ADR nn’ com-
mand to reestablish communications with the supply. After receiving the first command the supply will
respond with an OK. The Hex value of the command is 0xBF. All supplies, both the currently
addressed supply and all non-addressed supplies, will respond to this command; but only the cur-
rently addressed supply (if any) will respond with the ‘OK’.

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