TDK GENESYS 1500W User Manual
Page 46

83-507-013 Rev. D
low, with a maximum sink current of 1mA; when no fault condition occurs, the PS_OK level is high with a maxi-
mum source current of 2mA. The following faults will set the PS_OK to a Fault state:
*Enable/Disable open (Power supply is disabled)
*SO (Rear panel Shut-Off, Power Supply is shut off)
*IEEE failure (With optional IEEE interface)
*AC fail
*Output Off
When turning On the power supply AC On/Off, it can start to its last setting of Output Voltage and Current with
the output Enabled (Auto-restart mode) or start with the output Disabled (Safe-start mode). Press and hold the
OUT button to select between Safe-start and Auto-restart modes. The VOLTAGE display will continuously cycle
between “SAF” and “AU7” (“7” represents “T”) every 3 seconds. Releasing the OUT pushbutton while one of the
modes is displayed, selects that mode. The default setting at shipment is Safe-start mode.
5.11.1 Auto-restart mode
In this mode, the power supply restores its last operation setting. Upon start-up, the output is enabled
or disabled according to its last setting.
5.11.2 Safe-start mode
In this mode, the power supply restores its last operation setting and sets the Output to an Off state.
At start-up, the output is Disabled and the Output Voltage and Current are zero. To Enable the output
and restore the last Output Voltage and Current values, momentarily press the OUT button.
The OTP circuit shuts down the power supply before the internal components can exceed their safe
internal operating temperature. When an OTP shutdown occurs, the display shows “O7P” (“7” repre-
sents “T”) and the ALARM LED blinks.
Resetting the OTP circuit can be automatic (non-latched) or manual (latched) depending on the
Safe-start or Auto-restart mode.
1. Safe-start mode: In Safe-start mode, the power supply stays Off after the over temperature con-
dition has been removed. The display continues to show “O7P” and the ALARM LED continues to
blink. To reset the OTP circuit, press the OUT button (or send an OUT ON command via the serial
2. Auto-restart mode: In Auto-restart mode, the power supply recovers to its last setting automati-
cally when the over temperature condition is removed.
The power supply is equipped with Last Setting Memory, which stores several power supply parame-
ters at each AC turn-off sequence.
1. OUT On or Off
2. Output Voltage setting (PV setting)
3. Output Current setting (PC setting)
4. OVP level
5. UVL level
6. FOLD setting
7. Start-up mode (Safe-start or Auto-restart)
8. Remote/Local: If the last setting was Local Lockout, (latched mode), the supply will return to Re-
mote mode (non-latched).
9. Address setting
10. Baud rate
11. Locked/Unlocked Front Panel (LFP/UFP)
(Items 8, 9, 10 are related to Remote Digital Control operation and are explained in Chapter 7)
12. Master/Slave setting