TDK GENESYS 1500W User Manual
Page 34

83-507-013 Rev. D
3.10.3 Remote sensing
Use remote sense where the load regulation at the load end is critical. In remote sense, the power
supply will compensate for voltage drop on the load wires. Refer to the power supply specifications for
the maximum voltage drop on load wires. The voltage drop is subtracted from the total voltage avail-
able at the output. Follow the instructions below to configure the power supply for remote sensing:
1. Ensure that the AC On/Off is in the Off position.
2. Remove the local sense jumpers from J2.
3. Connect the negative sense lead to terminal J2-5 (S) and the positive sense lead to terminal J2-
1(+S) of the J2 mating connector. Ensure that the J2 mating connector is plugged securely into
the rear panel sense connector, J2.
4. Turn On the power supply.
1. If the power supply is operating in remote sense and either the positive or negative load wire is not
connected, an internal protection circuit will activate and shut down the power supply. To resume
operation, turn the AC On/Off to the Off position, connect the open load wire, and turn On the
power supply.
2. If the power supply is operated without the remote sense lines or local sense jumpers, it will con-
tinue to work, but the output voltage regulation will be degraded. Also, the OVP circuit may acti-
vate and shut down the power supply.
3.10.4 J2 sense connector technical information
J2 connector type: MC 1.5/5-G-3.81, Phoenix.
Plug type: MC 1.5/5-ST-3.81, Phoenix.
Wire AWG; 28 up to 16.
Stripping length: 7mm (0.28 inches).
Tightening torque: 0.22-0.25Nm (1.95-2.21Lb-Inch.)
To ensure safe transportation of the instrument, contact the TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. sales or ser-
vice facility near you for Return Authorization and shipping information. Please attach a tag to the
power supply describing the problem and specifying the owner, model number and serial number of
the power supply. Refer to Warranty Information for further instructions.
There is a potential shock hazard at the sense point when using a power supply
with a rated Output Voltage greater than 40V. Ensure that the connections at the
load end are shielded to prevent accidental contact with hazardous voltages.
When using shielded sense wires, ground the shield
in one place only. The location can be the power
supply chassis or one of the output terminals.