For everyday operation – TechniSat DigiCorder S1 User Manual

Page 76

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For everyday operation

Switching on and off


Use the On/Standby key either on the unit or on the
remote control to switch on the digital receiver.


Press the key again to switch the unit off.


The unit is now in standby mode, and the current time
is shown on the display.

Programme selection

Using the programme up/down keys


Use the programme up/down keys either on the unit or
on the remote control to move up or down the list by
one programme slot at a time.

Using the numeric keys


Use the numeric keys to enter the required program-
me number.

For example

for programme slot 1


then 4

for programme slot 14


then 3,

then 4

for programme slot 234

When entering programme numnbers with more than one
digit, you have approx. 3 seconds time after pressing a key to
complete the entry.

If you wish to enter a number with only one or two digits, you
can speed up the switching process by keeping your finger
pressed down a little longer on the last digit.

Using the programme list:


Press OK.


You can now use the up/down arrow keys to mark the
programme you wish to view.


Press OK to select the marked programme.


Use the up/down arrow keys to move up or down the
list one line at a time.


Use the left/right arrow keys to move back or forward
in the list one page at a time.

Volume control


You can adjust the volume of your digital receiver by
means of the keys Volume + for louder and Volume -
for softer volume.


Press the key Sound on/off to switch the sound on or
off (mute function).


Bed_Anl_Digicorder_englisch 18.03.2004 14:10 Uhr Seite 76