TurboChef Technologies TDO30 * 240 User Manual
Page 41

QuesTioNs relaTed To MaKiNG adjusTMeNTs
To preproGraMMed seTTiNGs:
Can adjustments to a preprogrammed setting be saved?
Will adjustments be saved automatically?
Yes. The last 10 cook cycles will be automatically saved under the
Favorites mode in “Last 10 Cooks” (page 8). To permanently save
adjustments made to a preprogrammed setting, you will need to
save your item to Favorites (page 17).
if i alter preprogrammed settings, does it affect the original
settings? Can i get the originals back?
Adjustments made to a cook cycle apply only to that specific cook
cycle. The oven defaults back to an item’s original preprogrammed
settings the next time that item’s preprogrammed recipe is selected.
All changes are saved in Favorites either under “View Last Cooked
(10)” (page 8) or under a recipe you “Saved to Favorites” (page 17).
if the top oven is preprogrammed, why do i have to check
my food at the 80% check point?
You may choose not to check your food at the 80% check point.
If, after 30 seconds, nothing happens the oven will complete the
cook cycle. However, not everyone has the same preference when
it comes to food, so the 80% check point was established to give
you the opportunity to check your item and make adjustments to
help ensure your desired outcome is achieved.
QuesTioNs relaTed To CooK Modes:
how do i know which speedcook Mode to choose?
The modes have been established to describe how you would
normally cook a product – i.e. BAKE a cake or ROAST a turkey.
So in most cases, common cooking sense should help you decide
which mode to choose. However, since we don’t all think the same
way, an alphabetical list of all Preprogrammed Recipes can be
found on pages 30-33.
What if i can’t find my specific recipe?
Start by selecting a preprogrammed recipe for an item that closely
resembles the one you wish cook. At the 80% and 100% check
points (pages 11-12) you will have the ability to make adjustments
and alter the programmed settings for your specific item.
One you have developed the settings for your specific item, don’t
forget to “Save to Favorites” (page 17). Doing this will allow you to
easily recall the settings for your specific item.
how many recipes can i save in favorites?
The Favorites mode can store up to 9999 of your favorite recipes.
do i have to close the door to use the broil mode?
Whether using the Broil Speedcook mode, the standard Broil, or
the Convection Broil setting, the oven door should be closed.
What is the difference between bake and roast?
Both modes involve surrounding food with hot, dry air, but differ in
where the heated air comes from – the top or bottom of the oven.
In Bake heated air comes only from the bottom of the oven while in
Roast air is delivered from the top and the bottom.
if i use an existing recipe in favorites and then re-save it
under a different name, will i keep the original recipe?
Yes. All recipes that have been “Saved to Favorites” remain in
Favorites unless you delete them (page 19). If you re-save a recipe
by a different name, the recipe will remain in Favorites under each
name until you delete one of them.
QuesTioNs relaTed To CooK CyCles & CooKiNG:
Can i cook my own recipes?
Yes. Anything that can be cooked in a conventional oven can be
cooked in the TurboChef 30˝ Double Wall Speedcook Oven. If you
cannot find an exact setting for your item, use a similar one.
do i have to preheat the oven? how long does it take?
The top Speedcook oven needs to preheat before you place your
food item in to cook. This will take 9 to 14 minutes depending on
the cook temperature the oven must reach.
With the bottom oven, it is recommended that the oven preheat to
its cooking temperature, but not required.
Can i cook more then one item at once?
In the bottom oven, yes. In the top Speedcook oven, it depends on
what you mean by “more than one item.”
If two items are to be cooked in the same dish – like vegetables
with meat – then yes. However, you might have to add a bit of time
at the end of the cook cycle to account for the extra weight. If by
“more than one item” you mean two separate dishes, then it is not
recommended that you cook these together. Consider using the
bottom oven as a warming drawer (page 28) to keep one item hot
while the other is cooking.