TurboChef Technologies TDO30 * 208 User Manual

Installation instructions

background image

Installation Instructions:

The TurboChef 30˝ Double wall speeDCook oven

MoDel nuMbers: TDo30 * 208 / TDo30 * 240
“*” Indicates a two letter code – OR, RD, BU, CH, IV, WH, or SS – which refers to the oven door color.

for CoMpleTe InsTallaTIon InsTruCTIons see pages 2-3.
reTaIn These InsTruCTIons for use by an eleCTrICal InspeCTor anD for fuTure referenCe.

please note

figure 2:

When the unit is lifted into the cabinet opening, the installer will need to

remove the support rails to allow the oven to slide into the opening properly. Remove
each support rail by unscrewing the support screw on either side of the rail. Supports
should then slide off the oven base.

screw hole locations

figure 3:

The oven must be secured to the cabinets using the two (2) screws

provided. Please refer to the illustration to the left for the exact location and
positioning of the screws.

para InsTruCCIones en español, vea págInas 7-11.

figure 1:

The oven is shipped with two (2) support rails attached to the bottom

of the oven exterior. These rails allow the oven to sit level and keep the bottom of
the frame from being damaged during installation. To properly place the oven into
the cabinets, the support rails must be removed as shown below.


This manual is related to the following products: