Toshiba ICC Multiprotocol Ethernet Interface ASD-G9ETH User Manual

Page 74

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Change the “Message Type” to “CIP Data Table Read”.


In the "Source Element” field, enter the read tag you wish to
access (refer to section 13.2.4.) In this example, we will be
reading a total of 25 registers beginning at rd_reg_basic[10].
Offset 10 in the interface card’s rd_reg_basic root tag (which
starts at register 1) refers to 1+10 = register 11 (deceleration time
1). If we wish, we could also use the tag name which references
deceleration time 1 directly (rd_reg_11) to achieve the same

Figure 72: MSG Instruction Configuration

iii) Enter the Number Of Elements to read. In this example, we will

read 25 registers.

iv) For the Destination Element, either directly type in

“data_array[10]”, or select element #10 in the data_array tag via
the drop-down box (refer to Figure 73). The destination could be
any offset in the data_array tag, as long as the offset plus the
Number Of Elements (25) does not exceed the tag’s defined size