Toshiba ICC Multiprotocol Ethernet Interface ASD-G9ETH User Manual

Page 30

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10.4.5 Parameter List Filter

A filter function provides Parameter List search capabilities. To use the filter
function, simply type a word or portion of a word into the filter entry box and
then click the “filter” button. Refer to Figure 14.

The filter will then display only
those parameters currently
available in the Parameter List
that satisfy the search criteria.
For example, to find all monitor
parameters that contain some
derivative of the word “volt” (such
as “voltage” or “volts”), select the
“Monitor Parameters” group, the “All” subgroup, and then enter “volt” in the filter
entry box.

Once a filter has been entered, it will continue to be applied to all information
normally displayed in the Parameter List for as long as the filter term is left in
the filter entry box. Continuing the previous example where we filtered on the
root term “volt” in the monitor parameters, we can then easily apply this filter to
all parameters (configuration, command or monitor) simply by selecting the “All”
parameter group. The Parameter List will now display all configuration,
command or monitor parameters that contain the root term “volt”.

To remove the filter, delete any characters contained in the filter entry box and
then click the “filter” button.

10.4.6 Radix Selection

Figure 15 shows the radix selection buttons.
These selection buttons allow changing the
Parameter List “value” column data display
and entry radix between decimal and
hexadecimal formats.

When “DEC” is selected, the “value” column
heading will be “Value (Decimal)”, current parameter values will be displayed in
decimal, and values to be written to parameters must be entered in decimal
format. For example, to change the drive’s frequency command to 40.00Hz,
enter the decimal value 4000.

Similarly, when “HEX” is selected, the “value” column heading will be “Value
”, current parameter values will be displayed in hexadecimal, and
values to be written to parameters must be entered in hexadecimal format. For
example, to turn on bits #15, #14 and #10 in the drive’s command word, enter
the hexadecimal number C400.

Figure 14: Parameter List Filter

Figure 15: Radix Selection