33] auto play key and indicator, 34] prrl key and indicator, 35] rhsl key and indicator – Tascam RC-898 User Manual

Page 13: 36] auto punch key and indicator, 37] mark in key, 38] mark out key, 39] cue str key, 40] transport controls, 41] loc key, 2 rear panel

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Section 2.2 - Rear Panel


It is also possible to select “Machine 0” (only with


key). This will control the second

(first slave) DTRS unit, and toggle the chase status
of this unit, with all other slave units in the chain
then changing to reflect the chase status of this
first slave unit.


AUTO PLAY key and indicator

This key with its integral indicator works with
DTRS units. It allows the units to start playing
back automatically when a location point is


PRRL key and indicator

This key with its integral indicator works with
DTRS units. It is used to locate the tape to the
punch-in position, minus the pre-roll time set for
punch operations (see 6.7.5, “Setting pre-roll and
post-roll times”

For instance, if the punch pre-roll value is set to 5
seconds, and the punch-in point is “00:55:12:12”,
the unit will finish locating at 00:55:07:12.


RHSL key and indicator

This key allows you to rehearse auto-punch opera-
tions on the units connected to the RC-898. For
full details, see 6.7, “Punch operations”.


AUTO PUNCH key and indicator

This key allows you to perform auto-punch opera-
tions on the units connected to the RC-898. For
full details, see 6.7, “Punch operations”.



This key allows you to set and check the punch-in
point for automatic punch operations. For full
details of how to use this key, see 6.7.1, “Setting
punch points”



This key allows you to set and check the punch-
out point for automatic punch operations. For full
details of how to use this key, see 6.7.1, “Setting
punch points”



This key is used to capture a series of location
points (a cue list) “on the fly”. Successive presses

of this key will store the current position to a loca-
tion memory, and automatically increment the
location memory number, ready for the next store
operation. The memories can later be “fine-tuned”
using the jog dial [28] in the appropriate mode.


Transport controls

These transport controls duplicate those available
on DTRS units. They may also be used to control
units connected to the E1 (parallel) and E2 (9-pin
serial) ports when the appropriate machine is
selected ([8] and [31]).


LOC key

This key provides one-touch operation to allow
location to the memory position shown on the


display [15]. If a loca-

tion pre-roll time has been set (see 6.5.1, “Setting
the location pre-roll value”)
the pre-roll offset will
be subtracted from the location value, and the
location will be to that new calculated value.

2.2 Rear Panel


EXT 1 – parallel and GPI port

This port provides parallel control and tally sig-
nals or GPI control for event control, which may
be triggered from a small “cue list” in the RC-898.

The pinout for this 15-pin ’D’-sub connector is
given in 3.2, “Connections (parallel units)”. You
will need to make your own cable, referring to the
the table above, and to the equivalent table in the
manual of the other equipment if you wish to con-
trol an external unit through parallel control, or if
you wish to send GPI events from the RC-898.


EXT 2 - serial port

This 9-pin ‘D’-sub connector is used for the con-
trol of devices implementing the Sony P2 proto-
col. A cable designed for P2 connections may be
used with this port.


REMOTE OUT connector

This connector is used for the control of the DTRS
units. It should be connected to the REMOTE IN/
of the first DTRS unit in the chain.

Only use a TASCAM cable, as supplied with the
RC-898, to make this connection. If your DTRS
units are at a greater distance than the cable pro-
vided (e.g. your machine room is some distance
from your control room), consult your TASCAM
dealer for details of the availability of longer
DTRS control cables.


The two keys above do not work in the same way as the
rehearsal and auto punch keys on DTRS units. Even if you
are an experienced user of DTRS equipment, we recom-
mend that you read 6.7, “Punch operations” to get a full
understanding of punch operations when using the RC-898
to control recording operations.