Converting from a character set, Other than timesten8, Converting from a character set other than – Oracle Audio Technologies B31679-01 User Manual
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Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide
Load the data store from the file using
with the
command line option. This option ensures that
no character values are changed when the data is loaded into the DSN
using the new character set. For example:
ttMigrate -r -noCharsetConversion
DSN=SalesData salesdata.mig
Note: If you find that you have accidentally converted your data store
from TIMESTEN8 to the wrong character set, you can use the same
procedure to convert your data store to the correct character set without
any accidental modification of the character data.
Converting from a character set
other than TIMESTEN8
You may use
to convert a data store from any character set to
any other character set by completing the following steps:
Save the data store to a file using
. For example, to save the
data store
to the file
, use the command:
ttMigrate -c DSN=SalesData salesdata.mig
Destroy the data store:
ttDestroy SalesData
Change the value of the DSN attribute
for your
data store to the value specifying the new character set. For example, if
you want your data store to use the WE8ISO8859P1 character set, use
the following line in your ODBCINI file:
Load the data store from the file using
. TimesTen will
automatically convert the character data from the character set the file
was saved with to the character set used by the DSN. For example:
ttMigrate -r DSN=SalesData salesdata.mig
Note: It is possible that character data will be lost in the conversion
process if no mapping exists from one character set to the other for a
given character.