Bn — set itu-t or bell mode, Dn — dial, Examples – Ositech comm Trumpcard Data/Fax Modem User Manual

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User’s Guide and Reference

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Modem Command Reference

Bn — Set ITU-T or Bell Mode


0, or 1



Selects between ITU-T and Bell modes for a 1200 bps connection.



Selects ITU-T V.22bis and V.22 standards for
communication at 2400 bps and 1200 bps.


Selects Bell 212A for communication at 1200 bps

Dn — Dial


0-9 A B C D * # L P T R & ! @ W , ; ^ S=n



This must be the last command on a command line. ATD causes the
modem to go off-hook, dial according to the parameters entered, and
attempt to establish a connection. If there are no parameters, then the
modem goes off-hook in originate mode without dialling the number.

Punctuation may be used for clarity. Parentheses, hyphens and spaces
are ignored. If an invalid character is entered, that character and all
subsequent characters in the dial string are ignored. The modem
truncates dial strings to 40 characters.

The ATD Parameters are:


Dials the last dial string that was dialled.


Use Pulse Dialling. Placed at the end of the command string and
before the dial string. Causes the modem to pulse dial the numbers.


Use DTMF Dialling. Placed at the end of the command string and
before the dial string. Causes the modem to use DTMF tones to dial.


Reverse Mode. Allows the modem to call an originate-only modem by
forcing the call into answer mode. Must be entered as the last
character of the command string (just before the [ENTER]).


Wait for calling card bong. If bong is not detected within the time
specified by S7 (default = 30 seconds), the modem disconnects and
returns an error message.


Hookswitch flash. Causes the modem to go on-hook for 700
milliseconds and then off-hook.