Section 4, Safety considerations, 1 laser safety program – Odyssey Electronics Marine GPS System User Manual

Page 21: 2 continuing education, Navigator

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The safe use of the Odyssey Navigator is the responsibility of the entire dental team, the laser safety officer appointed, and
the dental office team. Protocols for the safe use of lasers have been developed by a combination of medical and dental pro-
fessionals working in concert with educators at the university level, scientists and laser manufacturers. Dental professionals
have had to develop protocols and guidelines for using the laser on oral soft tissues. Sound judgment and the concern for
patient safety should be the basis of all laser care.

Usually, states or provinces do not have a specific licensure requirement for use of a laser by a dentist. Certain states and
provinces, like Texas and Alberta, however, require the dental office to be certified and inspected prior to using a laser. The
user is advised to check with the local Dental Association or State website to be aware of any specific requirements in your
location. Some states require a hygienist to attend licensure training that includes both a lecture and hands-on training. Prior
to using the laser, the hygiene applicants are required to pass a proficiency test for certification. These courses are usually
taught by members of the Academy of Laser Dentistry who possess instructor credentials.

Worker safety is the responsibility of the employer. ANSI standard Z136.1 (US) and CSA standard Z386-01 concerning Laser
Safety in Health Care Facilities are sources for analyzing safety with respect to medical lasers. Ivoclar Vivadent Inc. recom-
mends implementation of a Laser Safety Program for the safety of your patients and office staff in connection with the use of
the Odyssey Navigator Diode Laser.


We recommend implementation of a Laser Safety Program appropriate for your dental office. The plan may include
the following:

Delegation of authority and responsibility for supervision and control of the laser to a designated Laser
Safety Officer;

Minimum Training requirements for users of the laser;

Security to restrict unauthorized use of the laser;

Standard operating procedures to regulate the work environment in order to protect the patient and
office staff from laser hazards.

The safe use of a laser is the responsibility of the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) who can be a full or part-time employee,
or the laser operator. It is their responsibility to train the staff, maintain records concerning training and the laser’s
performance, perform safety checks and prepare the laser for use on a daily basis. The LSO must keep records of
any incidents that relate to the failure of the laser or any adverse effects related to laser therapy and report such
incidents as prescribed by law. The LSO assures that a medical follow-up has been sought or has occurred following
any adverse incident during treatment. The LSO is responsible for training of all office personnel who are involved
with the laser preparation and use. Daily checks of the facility and equipment are also the LSO’s responsibility. The
LSO should test fire the laser each day prior to beginning each treatment procedure. For more information on the
contents of a Laser Safety Plan, you can review ANSI Standard Z136.3 for Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care Facilities
or CAN/CSA-Z386-01 Laser Safety in Health Care Facilities(Canada).


The Laser Safety Officer should insure that the operator and staff attend laser courses taught by qualified laser
educators. Ongoing reviews of laser safety procedures should be a part of normal office routine.



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Section 4