Turn on the camcorder, Set the video light (off/auto/on) switch to auto, Connections & setup – RCA CC6384/CC6394 User Manual

Page 14: Set the video light ( off/auto/on), Witch to auto, 12 chapter 1, Or manual, Video indicator video light switch power switch

Turn on the camcorder, Set the video light (off/auto/on) switch to auto, Connections & setup | Set the video light ( off/auto/on), Witch to auto, 12 chapter 1, Or manual, Video indicator video light switch power switch | RCA CC6384/CC6394 User Manual | Page 14 / 128 Turn on the camcorder, Set the video light (off/auto/on) switch to auto, Connections & setup | Set the video light ( off/auto/on), Witch to auto, 12 chapter 1, Or manual, Video indicator video light switch power switch | RCA CC6384/CC6394 User Manual | Page 14 / 128