Design specifications, Specifications – RCA Pro867 User Manual

Page 76

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Power requirement: 6VDC
Power consumption: 6 watts (normal)
Weight: 1.8 lbs. (810g)
Dimensions: 4-7/16"(W) x 4-1/2"(H) x

6-7/8"(D) (112 x 114 x 174mm)

Video Recorder Section

Format: 8mm
Record/Playback System:

Two video record/playback heads
One flying erase head

Headwheel Cylinder Diameter: 40 mm
Video Signal: EIA Standard NTSC


Camera Section

Scanning: 525 Lines/60 Fields/30


Image Sensor: 1/3" high-resolution,

solid-state CCD Imager

Tripod Mount: One 1/4" x 20 threaded


Lens: f1.8

8:1 (6.7-54mm)
Diameter: 34 mm

This digital apparatus does not exceed
the class B limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out
in the Radio Interference Regulations of
the Canadian Department of

L’interférence radioélectrique générée
par cet appareil digital ne dépasse pas les
limites de la classe B édictées par le
Réglement sur les peturbations
radioélectriques du Ministrére Canadien
des Communications.

All features and specifications are subject to
change without notice.

This manual is related to the following products: