Trouble checks – RCA Pro867 User Manual

Page 74

background image

Tape stops during
rewind or fast

Camcorder remains
in “stop action”
(play-pause) mode

Poor auto-focus

Picture is too dark or
subject too dark.

Viewfinder displays
are out of focus

Shutter-speed display
not in viewfinder

Date and/time or date
were recorded on

Trouble Checks



• Time-counter memory may be on. Whenever an “M

appears with the time-counter display, the camcorder will
stop rewinding (or fast forwarding) when counter reads
“0:00:00M”. Press REW or F.FWD button again to
continue rewinding or fast forwarding, or press DISPLAY
button to turn off memory-stop feature.

• Press PAUSE button to return to normal playback.

• Make sure FULL AUTO OFF/ON switch is in ON


• Make sure operator is not covering auto-focus window

during recording.

• Subject is dark or behind glass. Auto-focus may not work

under these conditions. Place FULL AUTO OFF/ON
switch in OFF position, and focus manually.

• Lens is smudged, and image appears unfocused.
• Viewfinder eyepiece focus is misadjusted. (See page 34.)
• Camcorder is in macro-focus mode. Press and hold zoom

button “T” to release macro-focus.

• Don’t use auto focus with wide-angle or telephoto


• For best results, only use higher shutter speeds for

outdoor action.

• Subject in front of a strong backlight. Press BACK

LIGHT button to let more light into the camcorder.

• Try adjusting eyepiece focus control. See page 34.

POWER switch must be in CAMERA position.
• Press DISPLAY button to bring displays to viewfinder.

• Date and time or date will be recorded on tape whenever

they appear in the viewfinder.

• Press DATE button to remove them from viewfinder

when recording.


Checks and Adjustments

This manual is related to the following products: