Transposing entire parts/tracks, Erasing measures, Exchanging parts – Roland Digital Piano HP User Manual

Page 83: Editing individual notes, Editing tone changes during the song, Inserting notation marks, Deleting a notation mark, Other operations

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Other Operations

Transposing Entire Parts/Tracks

You can transpose the specified part or track.

Erasing Measures

You can erase a specified range of measures, causing those measures

to be blank.
Erasing performance data will not affect the length of the song.

Example: Erasing the performance data from measures 5–8 (make blank)





















Blank measures

Exchanging Parts

You can exchange the notes recorded for one part with the notes

recorded for a different part.

Editing Individual Notes

You can edit the individual notes of a recorded performance. This

function is called “Note Edit.”
You can use Note Edit to make the following changes.

Delete an unintended note
Change the pitch of a single note
Change the playing strength (velocity) of a single note
Change the fingering number

1. Use the cursor left/right buttons to select the part that

contains the note you want to edit .

The number of the selected part is shown in the center of the screen.

2. Use the [Bwd] [Fwd] buttons or the cursor up/down buttons

to select the note that you want to edit .

Make the note you want to edit appear in the center of the screen.
The location of each note is shown in terms of “measure: beat: tick.”


A “tick” is a finer division of timing than a beat. There are 120 ticks

in one beat.

3. Press the [O] button .

The edit screen will appear.

4. Use the cursor left/right buttons to select the note’s “pitch,”

“velocity,” or “finger number,” and then use the cursor up/

down buttons to edit it .

If you want to delete the selected note, press the [O] button .

5. When you’re finished editing, press the [×] button .

Editing Tone Changes During the Song

Songs in which the instrumental sound changes during the song (i.e.,

when the tone used by a part is switched during the song) contain

commands that specify when the tone should change.
These commands are called “program changes (PC).” You can use

“PC Edit” to delete a program change or to change the tone that is



You can’t insert a program change into a measure or beat that does

not already contain a program change.

1. Use the cursor left/right buttons to select the part

containing the program change you want to edit .

The number of the selected part is shown in the center of the screen.

2. Use the [Bwd] [Fwd] buttons or the cursor up/down buttons

to select the program change that you want to edit .

Make the program change you want to edit appear in the center of the

The location of each note is shown in terms of “measure: beat: tick.”


A “tick” is a finer division of timing than a beat. There are 120 ticks

in one beat.

3. Press the [O] button .

The edit screen will appear.

4. Press a tone button to select the tone group, and use the

cursor buttons to select a tone .

If you want to delete the selected program change, press the

[O] button .

5. When you’ve finished editing, press the [×] button .

Inserting Notation Marks

You can insert a variety of notation marks to be displayed in the


1. Use the [Bwd] [Fwd] buttons or the cursor left/right buttons

to select the location at which you want to insert a notation

mark .

2. Use the [A] [B] buttons to select the type of notation mark

that you want to insert .

3. Use the cursor up/down buttons to select a notation mark .
4. Press the [O] button .

The notation mark will be inserted.

Deleting a Notation Mark

1. Use the cursor up/down buttons to select a notation mark .

The notation mark will be shown in red.

2. Press the [O] button .

The selected notation mark will be deleted.