RoboteQ AX2850 User Manual
Dual channel high power digital motor controller
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Revision History
- SECTION 1 Important Safety Warnings
- SECTION 2 AX2550 Quick Start
- What you will need
- Locating the Switches, Wires and Connectors
- Connecting to the Batteries and Motors
- Connecting to the 15-pin Connector
- Connecting the R/C Radio
- Powering On the Controller
- Button Operation
- Default Controller Configuration
- Connecting the controller to your PC using Roborun
- Obtaining the Controller’s Software Revision Number
- Exploring further
- SECTION 3 AX2550 Motor Controller Overview
- SECTION 4 Connecting Power and Motors to the Controller
- Important Warning
- Power Connections
- Controller Power
- Controller Powering Schemes
- Connecting the Motors
- Single Channel Operation
- Power Fuses
- Wire Length Limits
- Electrical Noise Reduction Techniques
- Power Regeneration Considerations
- Overvoltage Protection
- Undervoltage Protection
- Using the Controller with a Power Supply
- SECTION 5 General Operation
- Basic Operation
- Input Command Modes
- Selecting the Motor Control Modes
- User Selected Current Limit Settings
- Temperature-Based Current Limitation
- Battery Current vs. Motor Current
- Regeneration Current Limiting
- Programmable Acceleration
- Command Control Curves
- Left / Right Tuning Adjustment
- Activating Brake Release or Separate Motor Excitation
- Emergency Shut Down Using Controller Switches
- Emergency Stop using External Switch
- Inverted Operation
- Special Use of Accessory Digital Inputs
- Self-Test Mode
- SECTION 6 Connecting Sensors and Actuators to Input/Outputs
- AX2550 Connections
- AX2550’s Inputs and Outputs
- I/O List and Pin Assignment
- Connecting devices to Output C
- Connecting Switches or Devices to Input E
- Connecting Switches or Devices to Input F
- Connecting Switches or Devices to EStop/Invert Input
- Analog Inputs
- Connecting Position Potentiometers to Analog Inputs
- Connecting Tachometer to Analog Inputs
- Connecting External Thermistor to Analog Inputs
- Using the Analog Inputs to Monitor External Voltages
- Connecting User Devices to Analog Inputs
- Internal Voltage Monitoring Sensors
- Internal Heatsink Temperature Sensors
- Temperature Conversion C Source Code
- SECTION 7 Installing, Connecting and Using the Encoder Module
- Optical Incremental Encoders Overview
- Recommended Encoder Types
- Installing the Encoder Module
- Connecting the Encoder
- Cable Length and Noise Considerations
- Motor - Encoder Polarity Matching
- Voltage Levels, Thresholds and Limit Switches
- Wiring Optional Limit Switches
- Wiring Limit Switches Without Encoders
- Effect of Limit Switches
- Using the Encoder Module to Measure Distance
- Using the Encoder to Measure Speed
- Using the Encoder to Track Position
- RS232 Communication with the Encoder Module
- Encoder Testing and Setting Using the PC Utility
- SECTION 8 Closed Loop Position Mode
- Mode Description
- Selecting the Position Mode
- Position Sensor Selection
- Sensor Mounting
- Feedback Potentiometer wiring
- Analog Feedback on Single Channel Controllers
- Using Optical Encoders in Position Mode
- Sensor and Motor Polarity
- Encoder Error Detection and Protection
- Adding Safety Limit Switches
- Using Current Limiting as Protection
- Control Loop Description
- PID tuning in Position Mode
- SECTION 9 Closed Loop Speed Mode
- SECTION 10 Normal and Fault Condition LED Messages
- SECTION 11 R/C Operation
- Mode Description
- Selecting the R/C Input Mode
- Connector I/O Pin Assignment (R/C Mode)
- R/C Input Circuit Description
- Supplied Cable Description
- Powering the Radio from the controller
- Connecting to a Separately Powered Radio
- Operating the Controller in R/C mode
- Reception Watchdog
- R/C Transmitter/Receiver Quality Considerations
- Joystick Deadband Programming
- Command Control Curves
- Left/Right Tuning Adjustment
- Joystick Calibration
- Automatic Joystick Calibration
- Activating the Accessory Outputs
- Data Logging in R/C Mode
- SECTION 12 Analog Control and Operation
- SECTION 13 Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
- Use and benefits of RS232
- Connector I/O Pin Assignment (RS232 Mode)
- Cable configuration
- Extending the RS232 Cable
- Communication Settings
- Establishing Manual Communication with a PC
- Commands Acknowledge and Error Messages
- RS-232 Watchdog
- Controller Commands and Queries
- Accessing & Changing Configuration Parameter in Flash
- Apply Parameter Changes
- Flash Configuration Parameters List
- Input Control Mode
- Motor Control Mode
- Amps Limit
- Acceleration
- Input Switches Function
- RC Joystick or Analog Deadband
- Exponentiation on Channel 1 and Channel 2
- Left/Right Adjust
- Default Encoder Time Base 1 and 2
- Default Encoder Distance Divider
- Default PID Gains
- Joystick Min, Max and Center Values
- Reading & Changing Operating Parameters at Runtime
- RS232 Encoder Command Set
- Register Description
- Counter Read Data Format
- Encoder Testing and Setting Using the PC Utility
- Automatic Switching from RS232 to RC Mode
- Analog and R/C Modes Data Logging String Format
- Data Logging Cables
- Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table
- SECTION 14 Configuring the Controller using the Switches
- SECTION 15 Using the Roborun Configuration Utility
- System Requirements
- Downloading and Installing the Utility
- Connecting the Controller to the PC
- Roborun Frame, Tab and Menu Descriptions
- Getting On-Screen Help
- Loading, Changing Controller Parameters
- Encoder Setting and Testing
- Running the Motors
- Using the Console
- Viewing and Logging Data in Analog and R/C Modes
- Loading and Saving Profiles to Disk
- Operating the AX2550 over a Wired or Wireless LAN
- Updating the Controller’s Software
- Creating Customized Object Files
- SECTION 16 Mechanical Specifications