Nokia 3210 User Manual

Page 27

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Service & Analysis Center Europe

Training Team

version 1.0 / 05.11.1999

Page 27 of 37

If message "SIM Card not accepted" appears on LCD after entering PIN code,
a SIM LOCK is probably activated in this phone

Or COBBA has been changed and not reprogrammed with the SIM-LOC DATA

Initialise phone into

normal mode

and activate

Quick/ RF-info (WINTESLA)

compare the SIM LOCK entries with the references from the operator. Look at Figure: List of current SIM-LOC…


Refer to insert SIM Card procedure


Change COBBA if all SIM LOCK entries and SIM-CARD signals
from CCONT are OK

Note! Rewrite SIMLOCK and IMEI entries with use of the Nokia security SW (SSSW) and make a SW-update or send
this phones to the SACE, if this procedure is not permitted to you