Uzzer failures – Nokia 3210 User Manual
Page 19

Service & Analysis Center Europe
Training Team
version 1.0 / 05.11.1999
Page 19 of 37
D303 Eeprom faulty
Check with wintesla if IMEI or product data are corrupted
Check 2,8V DC on pin 8 of Eeprom
Don't use the "Full factory set" with wintesla, otherwise the Original IMEI will be change to
Change the Eeprom if it's permitted to you and write all ID data (IMEI, product code…) back
If you aren't allowed to change the Eeprom and the IMEI is missing, write a note with a little
comment, and send it together with the phone to the SACE
Note! Rewrite SIMLOCK and IMEI entries with use of the Nokia security SW (SSSW) and make a SW-update or send
this phones to the SACE, if this procedure is not permitted to you
Clock time or user settings problems
Clock time / Ringing tone is to fast or to slowly
32,786KHz Sleep oscillator B100
Check that the sleepclk 32.768KHz square wave frequency on pin C149 isn't higher or lower
Check the crystal B100, C147, C148, C153, N100
View also the Service Bulletin 017 (capacitors C148, C153 change the value)
Clock time problems / wrong ringingtone speed
check 32,768KHz
clock frequency on
Check soldering or
change B100,