National Instruments 6508 PCI-DIO-96 User Manual

Page 87

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PCI-DIO-96 User Manual

I -2

© National Instruments Corporation

Mode 2 bidirectional timing (figure), 3-12

AIRQ0 bit, 5-8
AIRQ1 bit, 5-8
APA<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
APB<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
APC<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
ASIC (MITE Application specific Integrated

Circuit) chip, 6-3


BIRQ0 bit, 5-8
BIRQ1 bit, 5-8
bit descriptions. See also Port C status-word

bit definitions.

AIRQ0, 5-8
AIRQ1, 5-8
BIRQ0, 5-8
BIRQ1, 5-8
CIRQ0, 5-7
CIRQ1, 5-7
CTR1, 5-9
DIRQ0, 5-7
DIRQ1, 5-7
INTEN, 5-9

board configuration, 2-2
BPA<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
BPB<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
BPC<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
bulletin board support, D-1
bus interface specifications, A-2


cabling, custom, 1-5
CIRQ0 bit, 5-7
CIRQ1 bit, 5-7
ComponentWorks software, 1-2
configuration, 2-2

control words

82C53 Register Group control word

format (figure), 5-6

82C55A Register Group

control word formats (figure), 5-4
Port C set/reset control words (table),


Mode 1 strobed input

Port A configuration (figure), 6-10
Port B configuration (figure), 6-11

Mode 1 strobed output

Port A configuration (figure), 6-14
Port B configuration (figure), 6-14

Mode 2 bidirectional bus (figure), 6-17

CPA<7..0> signal (table), 3-5
CPB<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
CPC<7..0> signal (table), 3-4
CTR1 bit, 5-9
CTRIRQ bit, 5-9
custom cabling, 1-5
customer communication, xii, D-1 to D-2


DATA signal

description (table), 3-9
Mode 1 input timing (figure), 3-10
Mode 1 output timing (figure), 3-11
Mode 2 bidirectional timing (figure), 3-12

digital I/O signal connections, 3-6 to 3-7

block diagram, 3-7
specifications and ratings, 3-6

digital I/O specifications, A-1 to A-2
DIRQ0 bit, 5-7
DIRQ1 bit, 5-7

conventions used in manual, x-xi
National Instruments documentation,


organization of manual, ix-x
related documentation, xii