8 phone menu, Messages, Phone menu messages – Nokia 3220 User Manual

Page 26: 8phone menu

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Nokia 3220 User Guide


Copyright © 2004 Nokia

Phone menu


Phone menu

Phone features are accessed through the main menu of your phone. Use the
menus and submenus to select or view items and customize phone features.

Note: Some service providers order the phones specially programmed
for their network. This may mean that some features are not shown on
the menu.

In the standby mode, press the middle of the scroll key
to select Menu. The first menu item is displayed.

You can view the menu as a list or as a grid:

List view—List view is the default view for the
main menu. Scroll up and down to view main
menu selections one at a time.

Grid view—To switch between List and Grid view,
see “Display settings” on page 35. In Grid view,
scroll up, down, right, and left to navigate
through the main menu icons.

In the Grid view, the icon for the selected menu is
outlined, and the name of the menu appears at the
top of the display.

As you scroll through the menus, the menu number
appears in the upper right corner of the display.
Below the menu number is a scroll bar with a tab. The tab moves up or down
as you scroll through the menus, providing a visual representation of your
current position in the menu structure.

Open a menu item—Scroll to it, and press the Left selection key.

Open a submenu—If the menu contains submenus, scroll to highlight the
desired menu; then press the Left selection key.

Return to the previous menu—Select Back (press the Right selection key) to
return to the previous menu or submenu.

Return to the start screen—Press the End key from any menu screen.

• Messages

The message services can only be used if they are supported
by your network or your service provider.

To select the font size for reading and writing messages, select Menu >
Messages > Message settings > Other settings > Font size