Navman PiN 570 User Manual

Page 101

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PiN 570 | User Manual


NOTE: You must remove then reinsert your network card for these settings to take effect.

5 . Select the Network Card button from Connection Settings—Advanced to configure your wireless



Networks that you have already configured are preferred networks and are listed in the Wireless

tab. You can select to connect to only preferred networks or have your PiN search for and
connect to any available network whether it is preferred or not. Press Add New Settings… if

you do not see a network you’d like to connect to.


In the General tab you can set the network name (also known as SSID); this is only editable if

you are creating a new wireless network profile else you are viewing a preferred network and

the SSID has already been established. Indicate whether this network will connect you to The

Internet or Work. Finally, if this is a new network profile, you can indicate whether this is a

device-to-computer network.


To determine if authentication is needed, see your network administrator. To use data

encryption, check the first checkbox. To use shared key authentication, check the second

checkbox. To automatically use a network key, tap The Key is provided for me

automatically; else, enter that key. For enhanced security, enable 802.11X network access

and choose among the available EAP types.