Nikon Capture 4 User Manual
Page 71

Enhancing Images
The Color Balance Settings Menu
Clicking the
button in the Color Bal-
ance palette displays the Color Balance Set-
tings menu.
Displaying the Color Balance Palette
The default tool palette window for the Color Balance palette is not displayed the fi rst time Nikon
Capture 4 Editor starts. To display Color Balance Palette, select
Show Color Balance Palette from the
View menu.
Opening NEF Files Saved in Nikon Capture 3.5x or Earlier
In Nikon Capture 4, changes to color balance apply before changes to curves. In earlier versions of Nikon
Capture, changes to curves applied before changes to color balance, with the result that settings may
change when the images saved in Nikon Capture 3.5x or earlier are opened in Nikon Capture 4.
Nikon Capture 3.5 or Earlier
A value of +50 in Nikon Capture 3.5 or earlier corresponds to a value of +100 in Nikon Capture 4.
The Set tings Menu
The Color Bal ance Settings menu can also be displayed by selecting
Color Balance from the Set tings
Copy to Clip board Copy current Color Balance settings to the clipboard.
Select this item to load brightness, contrast, and color bal ance settings previously
saved using the
Save… op tion (see be low). A dialog will be displayed where you
can nav i gate to the drive (vol ume) and di rec to ry con tain ing the de sired settings fi le
(only fi les with the extension “.nca” will be dis played). The set tings in the Color
Balance palette will in stant ly re vert to the saved settings.
Select this item to save brightness, contrast, and color bal ance settings to a
named fi le. These settings can later be recalled using the
Load… option. Choos-
Save… dis plays a dialog where you can choose a destination and fi le name
for the current Color Balance settings. Color Balance set tings are saved with the
ex ten sion “.nca”.
Reset to Neutral Resets all brightness, contrast, and color balance set tings to zero.
Recent fi les
Recent Color Balance settings fi les (up to four) are listed at the end of the settings
menu. Selecting a fi le from the list sets the controls in Color Balance palette to
the saved settings.