Nikon Capture 4 User Manual
Page 28

The Editor Window
The pixels currently being monitored in the Information palette are shown by a
icon in the
image window. Each point is identifi ed by a num ber cor re spond ing to the point num ber listed
in the In for ma tion palette. You can monitor up to four pix els at a time.
Point number
Moving a Watch Point
To move the watch point to a new pixel, drag the
icon in the image window.
Deleting a Watch Point
To remove a pixel from the list of watch points, click the
button next to the cor re spond ing
listing in the In for ma tion palette, or drag the
icon out of the image window. The re-
main ing points will be re num bered to refl ect the change.
RGB and Average Values
A warning button will be displayed in the information palette at zoom ratios of less than 100%. Clicking
this button will display a dialog stating that accurate RGB and average values can not obtained at the
current zoom ratio; click
Yes to view the image full size.
Preferences: Advanced Color
Clicking the icon at the right end of the Information palette tool bar displays a menu from which you can
access the Advanced Color tab of the Preferences dialog ( 102).