Nikon Capture 4 User Manual
Page 132

The Camera Control Window
The Mechanical Tab
The fol low ing settings can be ad just ed from
the Me chan i cal tab:
Shoot ing Mode: Sets the shooting mode for
D1-series cameras connected in PC mode to
Single or Continuous. Changes to this set-
ting also apply to Custom Setting 30. The
shooting mode for the D70s, D70, and D50
can be selected from
Single and Continu-
ous. Unless Enable controls on the cam-
era body is checked in the connection status
area, the shooting mode for D2-series and
D200 cameras can be selected from
Continuous low speed, and Continuous
high speed. If Continuous is selected for
the D70s, D70, or D50 or if
Continuous low
speed or Continuous high speed is select-
ed for a D2-series or D200 camera, the
and Shoot and Shoot buttons will instead
be labeled
AF and Start and Start. If Enable controls on the camera body is checked or
a D100 camera is connected, the current shooting mode will be shown, but changes can only
be made using camera controls. See the camera manual for details.
Maximum Shots (D2 series/D200/D70s/D70/D50 only): Use the arrows to choose the maxi-
mum number of shots that can be taken in a single burst in continuous mode, or enter a value
directly in the text box. The maximum permitted value varies with the current image-quality
setting; the value chosen should not, however, exceed the capacity of the camera memory
buffer as shown at the right edge of the LCD display. Values larger than the capacity of the
camera memory buffer will be shown in red. This setting only applies when the camera is
connected, and differs from the maximum selected in the Custom Settings menu.
Self-Timer and Remote Modes
When a D2-series, D200, D70s, D70, D50, or D100 camera is set to self-timer mode, or when the D70s,
D70 or D50 is set to delayed remote or quick-response remote mode, the Mechanical tab will show a
shooting mode of
Single, and any photographs taken with the Nikon Capture 4 Camera Control shoot
but tons will be taken in single-frame mode with no shutter-release delay. To take pictures in self-timer
or remote mode, use the shutter-release button on the camera.
Continuous Mode (D2-Series/D200/D70s/D70/D50 Cameras Only)
When a D2-series, D200, D70s, D70, or D50 camera is connected, the amount of memory remaining in
the camera memory buffer is displayed at the right edge of the simulated LCD panel. This information is
updated at regular intervals, but temporary discrepancies may exist between the display and the actual
amount of memory remaining in the buffer.
Taking Photographs in Continuous Mode (D100 / D1-Series Only)
When a D100 is connected or a D1-series camera is in PC mode, continuous shooting can only be per-
formed using the camera shut ter-release button. The shoot buttons in the camera control window can
only be used to take one photograph at a time.