Interfacing with the imaq 1428, Interfacing with the imaq 1428 -7 – National Instruments PXI-1428 User Manual

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Chapter 2


© National Instruments Corporation


IMAQ PCI/PXI-1428 User Manual

Interfacing with the IMAQ 1428

The Camera Link standard defines physical connections between image
acquisition devices and Camera Link cameras, and it allows for flexibility
of image format and data transfer protocols. The camera manufacturer
defines image parameters, such as image resolution and the number of bits
per pixel. Camera control parameters, such as frame-on-demand and
exposure control signals, are also defined by the camera manufacturer.

These variable parameters are defined on a per-camera basis in a camera
file (


) supplied by National Instruments. The

NI-IMAQ driver software uses the information in this camera file to
program the IMAQ 1428 to acquire images from a specific camera. Without
this camera file, the driver does not have the information necessary to
configure the IMAQ 1428 for acquisition.

MAX, the National Instruments configuration utility, provides a simple
interface for associating a camera file with the IMAQ 1428. Use the
following guidelines to access the camera file in MAX:


Launch MAX, and expand the Devices and Interfaces branch of the
configuration tree.


Expand the IMAQ 1428 branch.


Right-click Channel 0 and select Camera.


Select your camera from the menu. If your camera is not in the menu,
verify that the camera file is installed in the



Many camera files are installed when you install NI-IMAQ, and many more
are available for download from the National Instruments Camera Advisor

. When installing new camera files, save them to the


folder located at

Program Files\National Instruments\



Contact National Instruments technical support to request camera files not
available in the Camera Advisor. Refer to Appendix C,

Technical Support

and Professional Services

, for information about National Instruments

technical support.