Advanced – PACKARD BELL LJ77 User Manual
Page 40

Chapter 2
The Advanced screen allows the user to configure the various advanced BIOS options.
IMPORTANT:Making incorrect settings to items on these pages may cause the system to malfunction. Unless
you have experience adjusting these items, we recommend that you leave these settings at the
default values. If making settings to items on these pages causes your system to malfunction or
prevents the system from booting, open BIOS and choose Load Optimal Defaults in the Exit menu to
boot up normally.
The table below describes the items, menus, and submenus in this screen. Settings in boldface are the default
and suggested parameter settings.
Submenu Items
Boot Configuration
Enter the Boot Configuration menu.
Enter the Peripheral Configuration menu.
Serial Port A
Infrared Port
IDE Configuration
Enter the IDE Configuration menu.
IDE Controller
HDC Configure as
AHCI Option ROM Support
SATA Port 0, 1, 4, 5 HotPlug
Channel 1 to 4 Master and Slave
I t e m S p e c i f i c H e l p
C o n f i g u r e s B o o t
S e t t i n g s .
F 1
H e l p
E x i t
S e l e c t I t e m
S e l e c t M e n u
C h a n g e Va l u e s
S e l e c t
S u b M e n u
E n t e r
F 9
F 1 0
S e t u p D e f a u l t
S a v e a n d E x i t
[ D i s a b l e d ]
[ D i s a b l e d ]
XBoot Configuration
XPeripheral Configuration
XIDE Configuration
XVideo Configuration
XUSB Configuration
XChipset Configuration
XACPI Table/Features Control
E x p r e s s C a r d
XPCI Express Root Port 1
XPCI Express Root Port 2
XPCI Express Root Port 3
XPCI Express Root Port 4
XPCI Express Root Port 5
XPCI Express Root Port 6
XASF Configuration
XBoot Configuration
XPeripheral Configuration
XIDE Configuration
XVideo Configuration
XUSB Configuration
XChipset Configuration
XACPI Table/Features Control
E x p r e s s C a r d
XPCI Express Root Port 1
XPCI Express Root Port 2
XPCI Express Root Port 3
XPCI Express Root Port 4
XPCI Express Root Port 5
XPCI Express Root Port 6
XASF Configuration
F 5 / F 6
I n s y d e H 2 0 S e t u p U t i l i t y R e v . 3 . 5