Planar PE1500 User Manual
Page 17

PE1500 User’s Manual
3. Use ‘Select’ button to enter the “Color” submenu. It will show up three items for your further
Color Temp' is selected, you may use `Up(△)' or `Down(▽)' buttons to select
one of the three settings. Press `Select' button will return you back to the “Color"
As you choose an item, your screen will immediately updates to reflect this setting.
Black Level Adjust' is selected, it will bring-up “Back Level Adjust" submenu. Use
Up(△)' or `Down(▽)' buttons to choose and highlight one of the three options (Red,
Green and Blue) and then use `Select' button to select it. This will show-up the
corresponding bar on menu, and you can adjust its setting by `Up(△)' and `Down(▽)'
buttons. This control may be helpful in achieving a more natural appearance in graphic
images and closer color matching between the printer and the display.
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