9) digital i/o configuration – Pentax IC-360 User Manual
Page 41

9) Digital I/O Configuration
This feature allows users to control the effect of the state of any sensors that may be attached to the
VersaCam. The camera may then be programmed (See Application Configuration and Alarm
Configuration) to send E-mails and/or to transfer files by FTP in response to these external triggers.
Device Type for Input Port 1 and Port 2:
The administrator may define the active
state of two optional input devices
connected to two camera input ports.
These can be switches, infrared sensors,
or any other device that meets the
electrical requirements specified in the
manual for your particular VersaCam
model. The active states of sensing
devices may be either “normally closed”
or “normally open” depending on the
design of the sensor. For example, a
door switch might be normally closed but open in response to an opened door, or it might be
normally open but close in response to an opened door. This menu allows the administrator to
specify which state matches the actuated or triggered position of the sensor. See details in
Appendix 7 for specific wiring requirements for your sensor and detailed information about using
these settings.
Current State for Input Port 1 and Port 2: This status area shows the current states of any digital
devices connected to the two available input ports. In the status area, an “Active State” or
“De-active State” message indicates the current input port status. The “De-Active State” means that
either a normally-open sensor is connected, or the sensor was not detecting an ‘event’ when the
‘Apply’ button was clicked. Though this message is not updated until you confirm the ‘OK’
response from the camera after clicking the ‘Apply’ button, the VersaCam IC-360 is still receiving
updated sensor readings from the input port.
VersaCam IC-360 User’s Guide