Polycom RMX DOC2579D User Manual
Page 113

Polycom RMX 1500/2000/4000 Getting Started Guide for Audio Only
Identifier String
Dial-out participants that connect to an external device
such as Cascaded Links or Recording Links may be
required to enter a conference password or an
identifying string to connect. Enter the required string
as follows:
For example: pp4566#
p - optional - indicates a pause of one second before
sending the DTMF string. Enter several concatenated
[p]s to increase the delay before sending the string.
The required delay depends on the configuration of
the external device or conference IVR system.
String - enter the required string using the digits 0-9
and the characters * and #. The maximum number of
characters that can be entered is identical to the
H.323 alias length.
If the information required to access the device/
conference is composed of several strings, for
example, the conference ID and the conference
password, this information can be entered as one
string, where pauses [p] are added between the
strings for the required delays, as follows:
[p]…[p][string][p]…[p] [string]...
For example: p23pp*34p4566#
The RMX automatically sends this information upon
connection to the destination device/conference. The
information is sent by the RMX as DTMF code to the
destination device/conference, simulating the
standard IVR procedure.
Table 3-6
New Participant – General Properties (Continued)