Panasonic RAMSA WR-DA7 User Manual

Page 36

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18. New LOOP and PLAY Mode.

Previous Versions: It was necessary to select the LOOP button under MMC
in the [AUTOMATION>EXECUTE] window when the MMC mode was
enabled to perform this function. You then needed to press PLAY to begin
the LOOP.

Version 2.0: Pressing the LOOP button on the 10 KEY PAD, or the LOOP
button under MMC in the [AUTOMATION>EXECUTE] window when the
MMC mode is enabled, sends all MMC devices to LOCATE POINT ONE and
starts the PLAY function. (*Note: The LOOP function loops between LOCATE

19. MMC ON/OFF functions while Pop Up windows are displayed.

Previous Versions: The Pop Up Windows must be closed before MMC
functions can be turned On or Off.

Version 2.0: When a Pop Up window, such as the NAME EDITOR or
REMOTE COMMAND EDIT TABLE, is displayed MMC functions can now be
turned ON or OFF

20. New Warning Message for Surround AUTO MOVE.

Previous Versions: Not Implemented (This message was introduced in
Version 1.10.)

Version 2.0: Attempting to put more than 8 channels into SURROUND AUTO
MOVE when the CHANNEL [PAN/ASSIGN>SURROUND] window is active,
displays the Warning Message "ALREADY MOVING 8 CHANNELS". It is not
possible to automate more than 8 channels of Surround panning using the
internal automation system.

21. New shortcut to set gain to zero for individual frequency bands in

Previous Versions: It was necessary to select the individual frequency band
and turn the GAIN knob until the gain reaches 0.0dB.

Version 2.0: The GAIN of an EQ band can be set to FLAT (0.0dB), without
changing the frequency or Q, by pressing and holding down the (H, HM, LM,
L) LED button in the equalizer section for 2 seconds. You can also clear ALL
of the EQUALIZER bands at once by using the FLAT shortcut on the
EQUALIZER window, or by pressing the FREQUENCY button on the Top