Remove the existing sash – Pella Impervia 80YW0102 User Manual

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Note: Remove the new window from its packaging. Inspect
and measure the new window to confirm it will fit into the
opening prior to removing the existing window. The window
needs to be 1/2" smaller in both width and height than the
pocket frame, i.e. existing sash opening.

A. Unlock the existing window. 5DLVHWKHORZHUVDVKDQG

lower the upper sash so both are in the approximate
middle of the frame.

Note: Most of the following steps may be completed
from the exterior of the house.

B. Remove the head parting stop. 5HPRYHDQ\KHDGSDUWLQJ

stop by pulling the stop down from the frame. In some
cases, the stops are nailed on and can simply be pulled
off. In other situations the stops may need to be pried or
cut out of the frame.

C. Remove the exterior jamb and head stops. This can be accomplished with a wood chisel,

circular saw, reciprocating saw, roto-tool, or equivalent. Ensure the stop is removed flush
with the existing window jamb.

Caution: Take care to prevent existing sashes from falling out when removing stops.

D. Remove the upper and lower sash. This will vary per manufacturer of existing windows.

Some will simply pull out, while others may need to be cut to be removed. Grasp the
sash and pull out of the frame. The jamb liner material may come out of the frame when
pulling the sash out.

E. Remove any and all jamb liner material. Some liners may have frame attachment

fasteners that will need to be removed before the liners can be removed.

Caution: Spring loaded balances can cause injury; use care when removing balances
from existing windows.



















