Page 201

Current time
displaying in Date Book 85
setting 20
Custom fields, in Address Book 68
Customizing. See Preferences
Cutting text 44
Cycling through views 63, 78
Data entry. See Entering data
displaying in Clock 75
setting current 20, 177
To Do List record due 120
Date and Time preferences 19
Date Book
Agenda view 88
alarm 82
archive files (.dba) 34
changing event time 81
changing event to untimed 81
conduit for synchronizing 125
conflicting events 89
continuous events 83–85
creating records 43, 78–81
Day view 85
deleting records 45
display options 90
displaying current time 85
end time for Day view 90
fonts 55
menus 89
Month view 87
notes for records 54–55
opening 77
overview 77
private records 116
purging records 45–46
repeating events 45, 83–85
scheduling events 78–81
selecting dates 80
start time for Day view 90
Sunday or Monday to start week 148
switching views 85
untimed events 78, 80
Week view 85, 148, 177
displaying in Clock 75
in Date Book view 78, 90
DBA (Date Book archive file) 34
Decimal point 148
categories 46
currency in Expense 95
settings. See Preferences
Deleted data, saving in archive files 45
applications 57, 60
Desktop software 61
Graffiti characters 25
passwords 110
records 45
service templates 161
text 44
See also Purging records
Desktop software
displaying euro 97
for entering data 18
linking to external files 139
removing 61
saving deleted data to an archive file 45
system requirements 5
upgrading 6
Digitizer 15, 147, 176
DNS (Domain Naming System) 158
Double-booked events 89
stylus to activate features 145
using the stylus 16
Editing records 43–44
Entering data 16–19, 23–36
importing from other applications 34–36
problems with 176
using Graffiti writing 24
using Note Pad 31
using the computer keyboard 34
using the onscreen keyboard 23
Entries. See Address Book
displaying on desktop computer 97
in Expense 94, 95
in Graffiti writing 29