Service – Lochinvar ARMOR 151 - 801 User Manual
Page 17
Service Manual
Maximum Cascade Outlet Set Point
This parameter determines the set point used by the
individual water heaters in a Cascade. When a water heater
is commanded to fire by the Leader water heater, it will
attempt to achieve this temperature at its outlet. The
Leader water heater will limit the modulation of the water
heater in order to hold the temperature at the tank sensor
to the user set point. If any of the water heater outlet
temperatures reach the maximum cascade outlet set point,
the water heater will then modulate down on its own in
order to keep its outlet temperature within the maximum
cascade outlet set point. Therefore, this parameter can be
used to limit the outlet temperatures of all the water heaters
in a Cascade. This parameter is adjustable by the installer
by accessing parameter F7. The default maximum cascade
set point is 185°F (85°C).
Minimum On/Off Time
In order to prevent units in a Cascade from short cycling,
this parameter defines the minimum ON and OFF time for
each unit. The installer can adjust this time by accessing
parameter F8. The minimum setting is 0 seconds and the
maximum setting is 10 minutes. The default is 30 seconds.
Minimum Next On Time
In order to reduce the risk of temperature overshoot with a
Cascade, this parameter defines the minimum time delay
from starting one unit until the next unit may be started.
The installer can adjust this time delay by accessing
parameter F9. The minimum setting is 0 minutes and the
maximum setting is 10 minutes. The default is 60 seconds.
Boiler Size
Not used.
G: Circulation pumps
DHW Pump Delay
The DHW pump delay parameter sets the length of time
the pump (if connected) will run after a DHW demand has
been satisfied. This parameter is adjustable by the installer
by accessing parameter G1. The time range for this
parameter is 0 minutes to 40 minutes. The default time is
30 seconds.
DHW Pump Anti-Seize Delay
If the water heater pump does not run for 24 hours, it will
be turned on briefly to prevent it from seizing. The length
of time it runs is determined by parameter G2. The range
of this setting is 0 seconds to 40 minutes. The default
setting is 20 seconds.
BMS Type (Power / Set Point)
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus, the 0 - 10V signal can be
interpreted as either a modulation command or a set point.
When parameter H1 is set to POWER, the 0 - 10V signal will
control the modulation. When set to SETPOINT, the 0 - 10V
signal will control the tank set point. The default setting is
Volts at Minimum
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus, parameter H2 should be set
to the minimum voltage signal sent to the SMART SYSTEM
control. The range of this parameter is 0.0V to the Volts at
Minimum value (parameter H3). The default setting is 2.0V.
Volts at Maximum
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus, parameter H3 should be set
to the maximum voltage signal sent to the SMART SYSTEM
control. The range of this parameter is the Minimum value
(parameter H2) to 10.0V. The default value is 10.0V.
Rate at Minimum Volts
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus and the BMS Type is
programmed as POWER, the modulation percentage
represented by the Volts at Minimum parameter (H2) is set by
parameter H4. The minimum value is 0% and the maximum
is the Power at Maximum Volts setting H5. The default value
is 20%.
Rate at Maximum Volts
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus and the BMS Type is
programmed as POWER, the modulation percentage
represented by the Volts at Maximum parameter (H3) is set
by parameter H5. The minimum value is the Power at
Minimum Volts setting H4 and the maximum is 100%. The
default value is 100%.
Set Point at Minimum Volts
When programmed for BMS control through the 0 - 10V
BMS input or through ModBus and the BMS Type is
programmed as SETPOINT, the set point represented by the
Volts at Minimum parameter (H2) is set by parameter H6.
The minimum value is 32°F (0°C) and the maximum is the
Set Point at Maximum Volts setting H7. The default value is
70°F (21°C).