Lochinvar 000 - 500 User Manual

Page 3

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The equipment shall be installed in accordance with
installation regulations in force in the local area where
the installation is to be made. These reg u la tions shall
be carefully followed in all cases. Au thor i ties having
jurisdiction shall be consulted be fore installations are
made. In the absence of such requirements, the in stal -
la tion shall conform to the latest edition of the Na tion al
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1. Where re quired by the
authority having jurisdiction, the installation must
conform to Amer i can Society of Mechanical En gi neers
Safety Code for Controls and Safety Devices for Au to -



ly Fired Boilers, ASME CSD-1. All boilers

conform to the latest edition of the ASME Boiler and
Pres sure Vessel Code, Section IV. Where required by
the authority having jurisdiction, the installation must
comply with the Canadian Association Code,
CAN/CGA-B149.1 and/or B149.2 and/or local codes.

This appliance meets the safe lighting performance


ria with the gas manifold and control assembly



ed as specified in the ANSI standards for

gas-fired appliances, ANSI Z21.13 and ANSI Z21.10.3.

FIG. 1 Typical (Front View) Cabinet Construction

FIG. 2 Typical Boiler (Rear View) Cabinet Construction


Locate the appliance so that if water connections
should leak, water damage will not occur. When
such locations can

not be avoided, it is

recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately
drained, be installed under the appliance. The pan
must not re strict combustion air flow. Under no
cir cum stanc es is the manufacturer to be held
re spon si ble for water damage in con nec tion with
this appliance, or any of its components.

2. The appliance must be installed indoors where it is

protected from exposure to wind, rain and weather.


The appliance must be installed so that the ignition
system components are protected from water
(dripping, spraying, rain, etc.) during appliance
operation and service (cir

cu la tor replacement,

control replacement, etc.,).

4. Appliances located in a residential garage and in

adjacent spaces that open to the garage and are not
part of the living space of a dwelling unit must be
installed so that all burners and burner ignition
devices have a minimum clearance of not less than
18" (46cm) above the floor. The appliance must be
located or protected so that it is not subject to
physical damage by a moving vehicle.


DO NOT install this appliance in any location
where gasoline or flammable vapors are likely to
be present.





This manual is related to the following products: