Maintenance – Lochinvar 1 User Manual
Page 62

Installation & Operation Manual
Handling ceramic fiber materials
The combustion chamber insulation in this appliance contains ceramic fiber material. Ceramic fibers can
be converted to cristobalite in very high temperature applications. The International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC) has concluded, “Crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational
sources is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1).” Normal operating temperatures in this appliance are below
the level to convert ceramic fibers to cristobalite. Abnormal operating conditions would have to be created to
convert the ceramic fibers in this appliance to cristobalite.
The ceramic fiber material used in this appliance is an irritant; when handling or replacing the ceramic
materials it is advisable that the installer follow these safety guidelines.
Avoid breathing dust and contact with skin and eyes.
• Use NIOSH certified dust respirator (N95). This type of respirator is based on the OSHA
requirements for cristobalite at the time this document was written. Other types of respirators may
be needed depending on the job site conditions. Current NIOSH recommendations can be found on
the NIOSH website at NIOSH approved respirators,
manufacturers, and phone numbers are also listed on this website.
• Wear long-sleeved, loose fitting clothing, gloves, and eye protection.
Apply enough water to the combustion chamber lining to prevent airborne dust.
Remove the combustion chamber lining from the boiler and place it in a plastic bag for disposal.
Wash potentially contaminated clothes separately from other clothing. Rinse clothes washer thoroughly.
NIOSH stated First Aid.
Eye: Irrigate immediately.
Breathing: Fresh air.