Using the linksys quickvpn software, Version number of the quickvpn client, Appendix b – Linksys RVS4000 User Manual

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Using Linksys QuickVPN for Windows 2000, XP, or Vista

4-Port Gigabit Security Router with VPN

Appendix B

Save the zip file to your PC, and extract the .exe file.
Double-click the .exe file, and follow the on-screen

instructions. Proceed to the next section, “Using the

Linksys QuickVPN Software”.

Using the Linksys QuickVPN Software

Double-click the Linksys QuickVPN software icon on

your desktop or in the system tray.

QuickVPN Desktop Icon

QuickVPN Tray Icon—

No Connection

The QuickVPN Login screen will appear. In the Profile

Name field, enter a name for your profile. In the User

Name and Password fields, enter the User Name and

Password that were assigned to you. In the Server

Address field, enter the IP address or domain name of

the Linksys 4-Port Gigabit Security Router with VPN. In

the Port For QuickVPN field, enter the port number that

the QuickVPN client will use to communicate with the

remote VPN router, or keep the default setting, Auto.

QuickVPN Login

To save this profile, click Save. (If there are multiple

sites to which you will need to create a tunnel, you can

create multiple profiles, but note that only one tunnel

can be active at a time.) To delete this profile, click

Delete. For information, click Help.
To begin your QuickVPN connection, click Connect.

The connection’s progress is displayed: Connecting,

Provisioning, Activating Policy, and Verifying Network.
When your QuickVPN connection is established, the

QuickVPN tray icon turns green, and the QuickVPN

Status screen appears. The screen displays the IP

address of the remote end of the VPN tunnel, the time

and date the VPN tunnel began, and the total length of

time the VPN tunnel has been active.






QuickVPN Tray Icon—


QuickVPN Status

To terminate the VPN tunnel, click Disconnect. To

change your password, click Change Password. For

information, click Help.
If you clicked Change Password and have permission

to change your own password, you will see the Connect

Virtual Private Connection screen. Enter your password

in the Old Password field. Enter your new password in

the New Password field. Then enter the new password

again in the Confirm New Password field. Click OK to

save your new password. Click Cancel to cancel your

change. For information, click Help.

Connect Virtual Private Connection


You can change your password only if

you have been granted that privilege by your

system administrator.

Version Number of the QuickVPN Client

To display the version number of the QuickVPN Client:

Right-click the QuickVPN tray icon, then select About.
The About screen displays the QuickVPN Client version

Click OK to close the About screen.


