Setup > dmz, Chapter, Setting up and configuring the router – Linksys RVS4000 User Manual

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Setting Up and Configuring the Router

4-Port Gigabit Security Router with VPN

Server Settings (DHCP)

The Router can be used as your network’s DHCP (Dynamic

Host Configuration Protocol) server, which automatically

assigns an IP address to each PC on your network. Unless

you already have one, it is highly recommended that you

leave the Router enabled as a DHCP server.

DHCP Server

DHCP is already enabled by factory default.

If you already have a DHCP server on your network, or if

you don’t want a DHCP server, then select Disabled (no

other DHCP features will be available). If you already have

a DHCP server on your network, and you want this Router

to act as a Relay for that DHCP Server, select DHCP Relay,

then enter the DHCP Server IP Address. If you disable

DHCP, assign a static IP address to the Router.

Starting IP Address

Enter a value for the DHCP server

to start with when issuing IP addresses. This value must

be or greater, but smaller than,

because the default IP address for the Router is,

and is the broadcast IP address.

Maximum Number of DHCP Users

Enter the maximum

number of PCs that you want the DHCP server to assign

IP addresses to. This number cannot be greater than 253.

In order to determine the DHCP IP Address range, add

the starting IP address (e.g., 100) to the number of DHCP


Client Lease Time

This is the amount of time a DHCP

client can keep the assigned IP address before it sends a

renewal request to the DHCP server.

Static DNS -

If applicable, enter the IP address(es) of

your DNS server(s).


The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)

provides name resolution service (similar to DNS) in

Windows networks. If you use a WINS server, enter that

server’s IP Address here. Otherwise, leave this blank.

Static IP Mapping

Static IP Mapping is used to bind a specific IP address to a

specific MAC address. This helps external (WAN) users to

access LAN servers that are advertised through NAPT port

forwarding. You can define up to 50 entries.

Static IP Address

Enter the IP address to be mapped.

MAC Address

Enter the MAC address to be mapped.

Host Name

Enter the host name to be mapped.

Click Add to create the entry and add it to the list. To

modify an existing entry, select it from the list, edit the

appropriate field(s), and then click Modify. To delete an

entry, select it and click Remove.


IPv Address

If your network has implemented IPv6,

enter the proper IPv6 address in this field.

Prefix Length

Enter the appropriate IPv6 prefix length.

Router Advertisement

Enabling this option allows IPv6

hosts to configure their IP addresses automatically using

the IPv6 prefix broadcast by the router.


To enable the DHCP v6 feature, select Enable. To disable

DHCP v6, select Disable.

Lease time

Enter the lease time in minutes.

DHCP address range start

Enter the starting DHCP v6

IP address.

DHCP address range end

Enter the ending DHCP v6 IP


Primary DNS

Enter the Primary DHCP v6 DNS server


Secondary DNS

Enter the Secondary DHCP v6 DNS

server address.
Click Save Settings to save your changes, or click Cancel

Changes to undo your changes.

Setup > DMZ

The DMZ screen allows one local PC to be exposed to

the Internet for use of a special-purpose service such as

Internet gaming and videoconferencing. Whereas Port

Range Forwarding can only forward a maximum of 10

ranges of ports, DMZ hosting forwards all the ports for

one PC at the same time.

Setup > DMZ

DMZ Hosting

This feature allows one local PC to be

exposed to the Internet for use of a special-purpose

service such as Internet gaming and videoconferencing.

To use this feature, select Enable. To disable the DMZ

feature, select Disable.

DMZ Host IP Address

To expose one PC, enter the

computer’s IP address.