Group 4: midi cc# 1 – KORG BX-3 User Manual
Page 33

MIDI Rx C. Change (MIDI Receive Control Change)
[Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable)
: Incoming MIDI control changes will be
Ena (Enable)
: Incoming MIDI control changes will be
received. (The factory setting is Ena.)
MIDI Tx C. Change (MIDI Transmit Control Change)
[Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable)
: MIDI control changes will not be transmit-
Ena (Enable)
: MIDI control changes will be transmitted.
(The factory setting is Ena.)
MIDI Local Cntrl (MIDI Local Control)
[Off, On]
Turns local control on/off. (The factory setting is On.)
: The keyboard will be internally disconnected from
the tone generator section. Select this setting when you
want to use the keyboard and controllers of the CX-3 only
to play a different tone generator.
Merge Lower Msg (Merge Lower Message)
[Off, On]
: MIDI messages of the channel specified by the Global
mode Group 2 “MIDI Lower Rx Ch” parameter will be
converted to the channel specified by the Global mode
Group 2 “MIDI Lower Tx Ch” parameter, and transmit-
MIDI IN to Lower
[Off, On]
Turn this setting On if you connect an external MIDI
keyboard to the CX-3 so that you can play it as a two-
manual keyboard.
: Regardless of their channel, incoming note messages
will be handled as note messages for the lower keyboard.
These incoming note messages will not only play the
lower keyboard, but will also be transmitted via MIDI as
note messages on the specified lower channel. This is the
same operation as when “Merge Lower Message” (see
above) is turned On. Also, all program changes and
control changes received via MIDI will be ignored, and
the Split function will not operate even if you press the
[SPLIT] key.
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Group 4: MIDI CC# 1
CC# Upper DB Sel (MIDI CC# Upper Drawbar Select)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the UPPER setting of the
DRAWBAR SELECT section. (The factory setting is 79.)
CC# Lower DB Sel (MIDI CC# Lower Drawbar Select)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the LOWER setting of the
DRAWBAR SELECT section. (The factory setting is 80.)
CC# Drawbar 1 16’ (MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–16’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 16' setting of Drawbar 1.
(The factory setting is 16.)
CC# Drawbar 1 5
’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–5-1/3’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 5-1/3' setting of Drawbar
1. (The factory setting is 17.)
CC# Drawbar 1 8’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–8’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 8' setting of Drawbar 1.
(The factory setting is 18.)
CC# Drawbar 1 4’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–4’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 4' setting of Drawbar 1.
(The factory setting is 19.)
CC# Drawbar 1 2
’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–2-2/3’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 2-2/3' setting of Drawbar
1. (The factory setting is 20.)
CC# Drawbar 1 2’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–2’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 2' setting of Drawbar 1.
(The factory setting is 21.)
CC# Drawbar 1 1
’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–1-3/5’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 1-3/5' setting of Drawbar
1. (The factory setting is 22.)
CC# Drawbar 1 1
’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–1-1/3’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 1-1/3' setting of Drawbar
1. (The factory setting is 23.)
CC# Drawbar 1 1’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 1–1’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 1' setting of Drawbar 1.
(The factory setting is 24.)
CC# Drawbar 2 16’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 2–16’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 16' setting of Drawbar 2.
(The factory setting is 70.)
CC# Drawbar 2 5
’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 2–5-1/3’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 5-1/3' setting of Drawbar
2. (The factory setting is 71.)
CC# Drawbar 2 8’(MIDI CC# Drawbar 2–8’)
[1...31, 33...95, Off]
Specifies the MIDI control change number that will be
used to transmit and receive the 8' setting of Drawbar 2.
(The factory setting is 72.)