Scanning – Kenwood TH78E User Manual
Page 23

You must adjust the squelch to the threshold point
for proper scan operation. You cannot use scan in
conjunction with the tone alert function and paging.
Scanning occurs separately in the VHF and UHF
You can reverse the direction by turning the Tuning
control or MESSAGE key.
1 Hold/Resume Programming
This transceiver provides two types of scan hold/
* Time Operated Scan
The transceiver stops scanning on a busy channel,
remains there for approximately 5 seconds, and then
continues to scan even if the signal is still present.
* Carrier Operated Scan
The transceiver stops scanning on a busy channel
and remains there until the signal drops out. It
allows a 2 second delay before resuming scanning to
prevent losing the station when operators change.
In CTCSS operation, scan will stop only on signals
that contain the proper CTCSS code.
In DTSS operation, scan will stop (without squelch
turned off) whenever it receives a sÀðnal. However,
squelch will not open until the proper DTSS signal is
In combined CTCSS and DTSS modes, scanning
stops when the proper CTCSS tone is reseived.
Squelch will open only if the DTSS sgnal matches
when the scan stops.
Hold/Resume Selection
The transceiver is delivered from the factory in the
Time Operated Scan mode. Use the following
procedure to switch between modes:
VHF Band :
Press and hold the 8 key and turn on the power.
* UHF Band:
Press and hold the 9 key and turn on the power.
2 Scan operation cancel
Operation band :
Press any key except MONI, LAMP, BAND, MHz,
E.CHG, or MSG.
Press the BAND key, then press the PTT switch.