Samsung SPH-N105 User Manual

Page 7

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9. Vo l u m e / S c roll Key: This key is actually

t wo keys (one up and one down) that are
used to:

Adjust voice volume during conve rs a t i o n .

Adjust ri n ger volume in Standby mode.

Mute the ri n ger during an incoming call.

S c roll through menu options.

Select AM / PM when setting cl o ck ,
s cheduler event times, and alarm s .

10. SEND Key: This key perfo rms seve ra l

useful functions.

P ress it to answer calls.

Dial a number and press it to connect.

D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,p ress it to initiate
T h re e - Way calling.

D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,p ress it to answe r
a Call Waiting call.

P ress it once in Standby mode to quick ly
access your Call Logs.

P ress it twice in Standby mode to re d i a l
the last outgoing nu m b e r.

8. OK / Messages / Navigation Key: T h i s

key perfo rms seve ral useful functions:

From Standby or Conve rsation mode,
p ress it bri e fly to access the Message s
M e nu , , or press and hold it to access

the Voice mail.

When entering a phone nu m b e r, p re s s
it once to save the number to the

Phone Book (then fo l l ow a few
p ro m p t s ) .

When navigating a menu ,p ress it to

select the highlighted item.

When the alarm goes off, p ress it to

silence the alarm .

In Standby or Conve rsation mode, s l i d e

it up to view your Phone Book (in
nu m e rical ord e r ) .

In Standby or Conve rsation mode,slide

it down to view your Phone Book (in
a l p h abetical ord e r ) .

In Standby mode, slide it right to

l a u n ch the Web Brow s e r.

In Standby mode, slide it left to launch

the Calendar.