The wireless web browser – Samsung SPH-N105 User Manual

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The Wireless Web Browser

N o t e : This fe a t u re is ava i l able only if your service prov i d e r
o ffe rs the Internet service by wireless phone.

Your phone comes equipped with a MiniBrowser which
m a kes it possible for you to use the Wi reless Web Brow s e r.

The Wi reless Web Browser allows you to access up-to-the-
m i nute info rmation through your Samsung PCS Phone.Vi ew
s p e c i a l ly designed text ve rsions of popular Internet sites
i n cluding Ya h o o !


, CNN MobileSM and even The We a t h e r

C h a n n e l


(Depending on your service prov i d e r ) .B row s i n g

the wireless web through your phone is unlike using yo u r
computer in that site prov i d e rs have selected only the cri t i-
cal aspects of their site to present to wireless phone users
and have re m oved most gra p h i c s .

E a ch time you launch the Wi reless Web Brow s e r, the phone
will connect to the Internet through the Wi reless Web Rates
will va ry according to your service option.

The Wi reless Web will end the connection after a cert a i n
p e riod of netwo rk inactivity and will automatically re - c o n-
nect as necessary. For this re a s o n , you may find that you are
billed for seve ral netwo rk connections within a single ses-
s i o n .This is normal and is designed to minimize your bill.

Reviewing airtime

Your phone re c o rds (or logs) the amount of airtime or talk

time used.T h e re are three airtime measure m e n t s .

A “ To t a l ”m e a s u rement that lists the number of calls

made to or from your phone, and the total time in

h o u rs and minutes for these calls.This airtime mea-

s u rement can easily be erased by you at any time and

t h e re fo re is convenient for measuring your usage on a

d a i ly, we e k ly, m o n t h ly, e t c .b a s i s .This fe a t u re is not

intended for billing purposes.

A “Last Call measurement that shows the phone nu m-

b e r, a i rt i m e , and the time/date stamp of the last call.

A “ L i fe t i m e ”m e a s u rement that shows (in hours and

m i nutes) the total time spent on all calls (incoming

and outgoing) since your phone was placed into ser-

v i c e .

This airtime log is kept for historical and maintenance re a-

sons and cannot be era s e d .
For airtime measurement options:
1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Calls.

3 . P ress

for Air Ti m e .

4 . The fo l l owing three options are ava i l abl e :

P ress

key for Last Call.The screen displays the

a i rtime for last call.

P ress

for To t a l .The screen displays the total

number of calls and the total airtime for all calls since
you set this total to zero (by using the “ E rase To t a l ”
o p t i o n ) .P ress

to re t u rn to the previous scre e n .

P ress

for Erase To t a l .P ress

to erase the

“ To t a l ”a i rtime measure m e n t , or press

to cancel

the operation and re t u rn to the previous scre e n .

P ress

for Life t i m e .The screen displays the total

a i rtime (in hours and minutes) of eve ry phone call
that has been made to or from your phone.