Menus – Samsung SPH-N105 User Manual

Page 55

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Your Samsung PCS Phone includes both a Main menu and
an In-Use menu .

Main menu

The Main menu in Standby mode contains eight pri m a ry
o p t i o n s ,all of which contain sub-menus (see “ Your Phone’s
Main menu ” on page 106).

In Use menu

The In Use menu options are ava i l able in Talk mode:

1 . M u t e / U n mu t e
2 . Silent key
3 . 3 - Way Call
4 . C a l l s
5 . M e s s age s
6 . Phone Book
7 . C a l e n d a r
8 . Send Tel #
0 . Ve rs i o n

Menu navigation

To access a menu option, p ress

and then press the

s c roll keys to scan menu options. P ress the associated digi t
key to select the desired option. If you know the nu m b e r
of the option you want to select, s i m p ly press

a n d

then press the associated digit key to select the desire d
o p t i o n .( You do not have to scroll through the list or dis-
p l ay an option in order to select it.)

N o t e : Closing the phone will re t u rn you to Standby mode
f rom any menu .A l s o ,the phone will automatically re t u rn to
S t a n d by mode from any menu if you don’t touch a key fo r
60 seconds.


Changing your phone back to voice calling

1 . P ress

to display the Main menu .

2 . P ress

for Setup/To o l .

3 . P ress

for Data/Fax In.

4 . Use the scroll keys to select “ Voice Call Only ” .

5 . P ress

to save the setting.The screen displays “ N o

incoming data/fax calls can be re c e i ve d ” . Your phone
then re t u rns to Standby mode.

Ending a call

Some of the normal ways to end a call, l i ke closing the
p h o n e , will end a Wi reless Data call.A lways close the con-
nection through the application on your computer.Yo u r
phone will re t u rn to Standby mode. Disconnecting the data
c able or turning off your phone will also end a wire l e s s
data connection call, but may disrupt your computer.