Your phone’s security features – Samsung SPH-N105 User Manual

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Your phone’s security features

Your Samsung PCS Phone provides security options, i n cl u d-
ing a user-pro gra m m able lock code and special phone
number fe a t u re s .To access the Security menu in Standby
m o d e ,p ress



and then enter the fo u r -

d i git lock code (It depends on your service prov i d e r. ) .P re s s
the associated digit key to access one of the fo l l ow i n g
S e c u rity options:

1 . L o ck phone

2 . C h a n ge the lock code

3 . P ro gram special nu m b e rs

4 . E rase your Internal Phone Book

5 . Reset phone

Lock mode

L o cking the phone limits all outgoing calls except calls to
the three hard-coded emergency nu m b e rs , and the thre e
u s e r - p ro gra m m able special nu m b e rs .

You can lock the phone manu a l ly during use, or set the
phone to lock automatically when it is turned on.W h e n
the phone is in Lock mode, you can answer incoming calls,
but you must unlock the phone to place outgoing calls
( except to emergency and special nu m b e rs ) .

Message memory capacity

Your Samsung PCS Phone can store up to 100 message s ,
depending on the length of the message s .When message
m e m o ry re a ches 75% capacity, the screen displays “ M e m o ry
is 75% full.E rase old message s .”At 100% capacity, the scre e n
d i s p l ays a text notification and rejects additional incoming
m e s s ages until you erase the stored message s .

Messages and Lock mode

Incoming messages are re c e i ved even when your phone is
in Lock mode. H oweve r,the screen will display the time
and date of the message but you cannot access the mes-
s age .To access the message ,u n l o ck the phone to pro c e e d .