If problems occur, Error checklist – Sennheiser SK 5212 User Manual
Page 28

If problems occur...
Error checklist
If probl ems occur that are not listed in the above table or if the probl ems
cannot be solved with the proposed solutions, please contact your local
Sennheiser agent for assistance.
Pr oblem
Po ssible cause
Po ssible so lutio n
No operatio n
indicatio n
Bat tery is flat or inserted
i ncorrectly
Re pla ce the bat tery o r
check if it is insert ed
co rrectl y
ca nnot be
sw itched off/
Sett ings canno t be
Lo ck mode is activat ed
Deactiva te the lo ck mo de
(see “Dea ctiv ating the
autolo ck functi on
temporarily ” on page 14)
Recei ver:
No RF signa l
T ransmit ter and rece iver
a re not o n t he same
Set t ra nsmitt er and re cei -
ver to the sa me cha nnel
T ransmit ter is out of ra nge
Che ck t he sque lch
thre shold setting on the
rece iver o r reduce the
dista nce betwee n receiving
antenna and t ransmitt er
Audi o signal has a
high level o f
ba ck gro und no ise
T ransmit ter’s se nsitiv ity is
set too high
phone sensit ivity – A TTEN ”
on pa ge 24
Receiv er’s o utput lev el is
set too low
Increase the line o ut put
Audi o signal is
di sto rted
T ransmit ter’s se nsitiv ity is
set too low
See “A djusting t he micro -
phone sensit ivity – A TTEN ”
Receiv er’s o utput lev el is
set too high
Re duce the l ine o ut put leve l