Simoreg 6ra70 dc-master, A new lease on life for proven dc technology, Now with – Siemens 6RA70 User Manual

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A new lease on life for proven DC technology

There are applications where DC

drives are simply the better solution
reason enough for us to innovate DC
drives. In many applications DC drives
have clear cut advantages in operator
friendliness and reliability, cost
effectiveness and performance,
efficiency and start-up. When these
applications are matched with the
SIMOREG 6RA70 which are built on
over 25 years of proven SIMOREG
success the results are unparalleled.

Use the SIMOREG 6RA70 DC-

Master on your next application and
learn why the Siemens SIMOREG
drives continue to be the benchmark
in the DC drive industry.

Now with:

Unified operation with Siemens AC MASTERDRIVES

More application flexibility

More communication options

Extended output range to 1000hp
(High hp designs up to 8000hp)

Even more compact sizing

Higher processing performance

More favorably priced solutions

Innovative features