Three stars – ultra low emission, Four stars – super ultra low emission, Manufacturer’s limited warranty coverage – Ski-Doo WAKE Series User Manual
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Three Stars – Ultra Low Emission
The three-star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s Per-
sonal Watercraft and Outboard marine engine 2008 exhaust emission standards
or the Stern drive and Inboard marine engine 2003 exhaust emission standards.
Engines meeting these standards have 65% lower emissions than One Star –
Low Emission engines.
Four Stars – Super Ultra Low Emission
The four-star label identifies engines that meet the Air Resources Board’s
Stern-drive and Inboard marine engine 2009 exhaust emission standards. Per-
sonal Watercraft and Outboard marine engines may also comply with these
standards. Engines meeting these standards have 90% lower emissions than
One Star – Low Emission engines.
For more information:
Cleaner Watercraft – Get the Facts
1 800 END-SMOG
Your Emission Control Warranty Rights and Obligations
The California Air Resources Board, the New York State Department of Envi-
ronmental Conservation, and BRP US Inc. (“BRP”) on behalf of Bombardier
Recreational Products Inc. are pleased to explain the emission control system
warranty on your model year 2009 Sea-Doo personal watercraft. In the states
of California and New York, new personal watercraft engines must be designed,
built and equipped to meet the State’s stringent anti-smog standards. BRP must
warrant the emission control system on your personal watercraft engine for
the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect or
improper maintenance of your personal watercraft engine.
Your emission control system may include parts such as the carburetor or fuel in-
jection system, the ignition system and catalytic converter. Also included may be
hoses, belts, connectors and other emission related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, BRP will repair your 2009 Sea-Doo personal
watercraft engine at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and labor provided
that such work is performed by an authorized BRP dealer.
Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty Coverage
This emission warranty covers model year 2009 Sea-Doo personal watercraft cer-
tified and produced by BRP for sale in the states of California and New York, that are
originally sold to a resident or subsequently warranty registered to a resident in the
state of California or New York. The BRP limited warranty conditions for Sea-Doo
personal watercraft are still applicable to these models with the necessary modifi-
Select emission control parts of your 2009 Sea-Doo personal watercraft are war-
ranted from the date of delivery to the first retail consumer for a period of 4 years,
or for 250 hours of use, whichever occurs first. However, warranty coverage
based on the hourly period is only permitted for personal watercraft equipped
with the appropriate hour meters or their equivalent. If any emission-related part
on your engine is defective under warranty, the part will be repaired or replaced by