16 s, Sleep button, Wake-on-lan – SUPER MICRO Computer SUPERSERVER 6012L-6 User Manual

Page 50: Third power supply fail header

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UPERSERVER 6012L-6 User’s Manual

Sleep Button

The header designated J10 (near

the BIOS chip) allows you to con-

n e c t a p u s h b u t t o n t o t h e

motherboard that will put the sys-

tem in a suspend mode (S1) when


P in

N u m b e r




D e fin itio n

+ 5 V S ta n d b y

G ro u n d

W a ke -u p

W a k e -O n -L A N P in

D e fin itio n s (W O L )


The Wake-On-LAN header is des-

ignated as WOL. See the table on

the right for pin definitions. You

must enable the LAN Wake-Up set-

ting in BIOS and also have a LAN

card with a Wake-on-LAN connec-

tor and cable to use this feature.

Third Power Supply Fail

The JP46 header with the proper

cable attached can provide warn-

ing of power supply failure. The

warning signal is passed through

the PWR_LED pin on JF1 to pro-

vide indication of a power failure

on the chassis.

Note: This feature is only avail-

able when three using Supermicro

power supplies and so does not

apply to the 6012L-6 server. See

the table on the right for pin defini-


T h ird P o w e r S u p p ly F a il H e a d e r

P in D e fin itio n s (J P 4 6 )

P in

N u m b e r




D e fin itio n

P /S 1 F a il S ig n a l

P /S 2 F a il S ig n a l
P /S 3 F a il S ig n a l

R e se t (fro m M B )