6 remote programming input and filter commands – SRS Labs SR850 User Manual
Page 182

Remote Programming
ISRC (?) {i}
The ISRC command sets or queries the input configuration. The parame-
ter i selects A (i=0), A-B (i=1) or I (i=2).
IGAN (?) {i}
The IGAN command sets or queries the conversion gain of the current
input. The parameter i selects 1 M
(i=0), 100 M
(i=1). This parameter
has no effect unless the input is configured to measure current.
Changing the current gain does not change the instrument sensitivity.
Sensitivities above 10 nA require a current gain of 1 M
. Sensitivities
between 20 nA and 1 µA automatically select the 1 M
current gain. At
sensitivities below 20 nA, changing the sensitivity does not change the
current gain.
IGND (?) {i}
The IGND command sets or queries the input shield grounding. The
parameter i selects Float (i=0) or Ground (i=1).
ICPL (?) {i}
The ICPL command sets or queries the input coupling. The parameter i
selects AC (i=0) or DC (i=1).
ILIN (?) {i}
The ILIN command sets or queries the input line notch filter status. The
parameter i selects Out or no filters (i=0), Line notch in (i=1), 2xLine
notch in (i=2) or Both notch filters in (i=3).